The practice operates an advanced booking system which has been introduced by the Primary Care Trust. This system is in place across the country. The advanced access system is to help patients to be seen by any doctor within 48 hours.
For an urgent appointment, or to be seen ‘on the day’, please ring at 08:00 for an appointment.
Telephone Advice
If you require advice from the doctor or nurse please telephone the main surgery number and you will be given a time when someone will be available to speak with you.
Online Booking
Appointments can be booked using the Internet, please ask at reception to be registered for this service. You will be given a unique login ID and Pin number which you will need to access the appointments system. Once you have created your login, click on the link above to access the Appointments system.
Access for Disabled Patients
There is a ramp available for wheelchair users, a low section on the reception desk and toilet facilities in the entrance lobby.
We offer a foreign language translation service, provided by Language Line and also sign language translators. These should be booked with reception 2 weeks in advance of any appointments.